It’s seeing the people that gets me most excited—so many compulsive eaters all in one place!

It’s been quite a few years since our 2016 World Service Convention in Boston, and I’m very much looking forward to the 2025 Convention in Orlando!

Ever since my first Convention in Los Angeles in the early 80s, I’ve found these events truly exciting and have attended many since then. Whether it’s the regional or world service level, I’ve probably become what we kiddingly call a “convention junkie.” As soon as the current one ends, I’m waiting for the next one to start.

There’s just something special about being at Convention. While I always look forward to the workshops and speaker meetings, I believe it’s seeing the people that gets me most excited—so many compulsive eaters all in one place! I reconnect with members I’ve known for years but only see at Conventions. When I run into them again, it’s as if we just saw each other yesterday. There’s never an awkward moment, and it never feels stressful the way it can be when seeing family members or non-program friends after a few years.

Whenever a Convention is held in a part of the country I haven’t seen before, I take a few extra days to tour the area. Besides having a wonderful time at the Convention, I get to explore new territory.

I’ve occasionally been privileged to work on Convention committees, which is a richly rewarding experience. Talking to members all over the world and inviting them to participate in our Convention is a great way to get to know them. Then when I get to the Convention, it’s even more exciting to meet them in person.

I hope all of you are planning to attend the 2025 World Service Convention. It is a wonderful and exciting experience to join together with so many members in one place and see firsthand that Overeaters Anonymous is still going strong after more than sixty years.

— Hanna

Edited from the October 2019 issue of Lifeline magazine.