I always get another member or two to come along and experience the wonder.

I came into OA twenty-nine years ago, weighing over 171 pounds (78 kg). I had stopped weighing three months before, but I was wearing a size 20–22. (Today I wear a size 6–8.) My world was very small, but as I got involved with service in the program, I heard that OA was worldwide. The World Service Conventions have been a great part of my world expanding.

I got to see that OA really is worldwide at my first Convention. It was 1990 in New Orleans, and the theme was “Recovery and All That Jazz.” I was in awe, seeing all the people and the different countries they represented. As I sat in the workshops with my sisters and brothers from around the world, I realized we were so much alike. It was amazing. We shared the unity from Tradition One, and I knew I was not alone.

In 1991 in Chicago, the theme was “Breeze into Recovery.” There I met Rozanne S. and her husband for the first time. She was very kind and down-to earth. It was a wonderful experience.

At the 2007 Convention in Philadelphia, I was given the opportunity to carry the message by leading a workshop.

OA’s Fiftieth Anniversary Convention was held in August 2010 in Los Angeles. At that Convention Rozanne S. was recognized as the founder of OA, an honor she truly deserved. She was very frail, but she shared her love for OA. I got to attend a workshop about growing older in OA, and it was standing room only. The sharing was great because it addressed the changes our bodies go through as we age. I was very inspired.

I always share with my group and encourage members to attend Convention. I never go alone—I always get another member or two to come along to experience the wonder.

If you have never attended Convention, give yourself the gift of experiencing OA worldwide.


Edited from the March 2016 issue of Lifeline magazine.