There are so many ways to give service in OA and pay forward all we have so freely received. Not all forms of service require years of commitment or abstinence. Will service make you abstinent? No, unfortunately, it is not a magic cure. But it is one of the Tools you can use to work the Steps. Members can give service at the group level, and the next level of service is at the intergoup. (Intergroup officers usually have abstinence and attendance requirements.) Below are fifty ways to give service.

Attend conventions
Attend meetings
Become a speaker
Clean up meeting spaces
Convention committee
Designated downloader
General service trustee
Group bylaws or standing rules
Group contact
Group secretary
Group treasurer
Group website maintenance
Intergroup bylaws
Intergroup chair
Intergroup newsletter
Intergroup rep
Intergroup secretary
Intergroup vice chair
Intergroup website maintenance
Lead a meeting
Literature chair
Maintain group contact list
Meeting setup
Newsletter editor
Obtain speakers
Offer transportation
Outreach calls
Professional outreach
Program chair
Provide safekeeping for records
Public information
Put up posters
Region chair
Region delegate
Region media committee
Region secretary
Region treasurer
Region vice chair
Speak up when OA guidelines or Traditions are not being followed
Special events
Talk to newcomers
Twelfth Step Within committee
Workshop committee
World Service Delegate
World Service Trustee
Write newsletter articles

Why not pick two or three opportunities and get started? Remember, as OA’s Responsibility Pledge states, “Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this, I am responsible.”
