I Am One of Many: Food Is the Connection, but It Is Not the Answer

Deborah has endured jail, marital separation, and cancer, but today she shines with recovery. “I am now claiming six years of abstinence,” she says. “Y’all have taught me life is fun, but my meals can’t be fun. . . . It’s worth all the daily discipline for freedom from food obsession.”

Serenity Through the Holidays

“It’s that time of year again,” says Edward, “when the national focus is placed on . . . food!” Learn how Edward uses his recovery to change the focus of any holiday from food to living in recovery.

My Junk Food Habit Was Like a Part-Time Job; Now I’m an Investor in Recovery

Every night, Meg went out shopping for snacks. She’d come home, stuff herself, and then suffer from bad sleep caused by her compulsive eating. “I’d feel my ongoing failure as a human being,” she recalls. But after finding abstinence in OA, she now says “I feel light-hearted and excited about life. I’m blessed with so much more.”

It Is So Freeing to Be Out of the Food and Into My Day

A healthy check-in from Rosanne’s sponsee leads Rosanne to reflect on what it was like for her before she found OA. “I wanted to be thin but not give up the food. . . . OA encouraged me with more than just food issues—I no longer felt alone.”

And Now a Word From Our Founder

A collection of inspiring speeches given by OA’s founder Rozanne S. at World Service Business Conferences in 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, and 2001.