900 Days in OA Has Changed My Life!
“I can say without a shadow of a doubt that OA has completely saved my life,” says Renee D. from California USA. “I can’t wait to see what the next 900 days has in store for me.”
“I can say without a shadow of a doubt that OA has completely saved my life,” says Renee D. from California USA. “I can’t wait to see what the next 900 days has in store for me.”
“Connection with another person on any level is what I love most,” says Elizabeth from Missouri USA. But even after losing 120 pounds (54 kg) her defects of character kept her emotionally isolated. See how she found success working the OA program.
Even with two relapses, Christine has found that life in the OA program is immeasurably better than life before OA. “Abstinence is the most important thing in my life,” she says.
What does it look like to be a compulsive eater? The answer is it depends, but what Meg B. from California knows for sure is that being a compulsive eater in recovery means getting to be a gracious and honorable human being.
“I will be the first to admit that I have been a control freak,” says Beth. “As I worked the Twelve Steps, I learned to let go of thoughts about how someone should have acted or how things should have gone.”
“Coming into the program, I didn’t even realize how isolated I was,” says Jesse. “Soon I started to see a glow in others and in myself: The glow of recovery.”
”I’d tried millions of times to have a sane and healthy relationship with food and failed miserably each time,” says Trish. After nine months in the OA program, she can now say, “I love my life.”
“Gone are the binges followed by total despair for days,” writes Julian, who left OA after he felt he wasn’t making progress only to later realized just how much he needed our program.
This podcast features an Asian, Pacific, Islander, and Desi (APID) specific-focus workshop that was made open to visitors outside OA. The podcast highlights the experience, strength, and hope that APID members have to share within the OA Fellowship and to those outside OA who are still suffering from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors. 0:00–7:11Introductions … Continued
“Joy comes in finding the good, even in the bad. Not only would I rather find joy, I am also assured that Higher Power would want this for me also.”