Freedom Ride: Abstinence from Binge Eating on the Drive Home from Work

Martine from Texas USA used to binge eat on the way home from work, stopping at multiple fast food drive-thrus. “But tonight . . .,” she says, ”I thanked my Higher Power . . . and the OA program for giving me the freedom . . . to look back on my day of healthy and abstinent eating.”

My Compulsive Physical Hunger Was Impersonating a Spiritual Hunger

Sepidah, an OA member from Iran, came into the program feeling physically, mentally, and spiritually bankrupt. “I could barely bear the weight of my soul,” she says. Through OA and working the Twelve Steps, however, she has found a workable solution. “I am calm,” she says. “I sleep more peacefully . . . and I have better balance in working the Steps.”

For 32 Years, I Kept Coming Back Until I Became Willing to Go to Any Length for My Recovery

“I was a fat kid, a fat adolescent, and . . . weighing 315 pounds (143 kg), I was a fat adult,” says Stuart, an OA member from Louisiana USA. Stuart suffered relapses and weight gains “but I never quit coming back,” he says. “In concert with my Higher Power, I have achieved a normal body weight of 139–144 pounds (63–65 kg) for the very first time in my adult life. . . . I am eternally grateful.“

My Higher Power Wrote Back

Ten years into her program, Diane from Washington, D.C. USA found a Power greater than herself. When she started writing her Higher Power, she found the response was “exactly what I needed to hear.”

My Higher Power Writes Back

After ten years in OA, Diane found a Power greater than herself, and eventually started writing letters to her HP. To her amazement, her Higher Power started writing back. “It was slow and thoughtful and always—I mean ALWAYS— exactly what I needed to hear.”

When Higher Power Works the Drive Thru

“After several years of my sugar-free food plan, everyone started getting on my last nerve,” says Judith. But TWICE when she hopped into her car and set off to get a trigger food, Higher Power had a different plan.

Higher Power Company

“Dear Mara:” the letter reads, “We are so glad you have chosen Higher Power Company as your new source of love, support, and guidance!” Written for the OA member who is taking Steps Two and Three, this might be the best corporate form letter you’ll ever receive!

Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi (APID) Specific Focus Workshop

This podcast features an Asian, Pacific, Islander, and Desi (APID) specific-focus workshop that was made open to visitors outside OA. The podcast highlights the experience, strength, and hope that APID members have to share within the OA Fellowship and to those outside OA who are still suffering from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors. 0:00–7:11Introductions … Continued

Hope in Addiction

In this poem, Jacki asks Higher Power to be with her in moments both peaceful and painful.