Somehow in All the Mess, OA Made Its Way Back to Me

Abused from age 6, Linda started eating compulsively at an early age. As a young adult, she was unable to grasp the nature of her problem with food. When health problems mounted, and she was unable to cope, “I threw in the towel,” she says, “by overeating.” And that’s when the message of OA started making sense.

No One Wants to Admit They Are Powerless Over Food

Maddie has been abstinent in OA for one week. “It’s terrible to admit . . . a destructive obsession with food,” she says. “But until we are ready to admit defeat, our abstinence will be on shaky ground.”

Nothing Stopping Me

I heard the Second Step and had a spiritual experience that I’ve never forgotten,” says N.P., who went on to lose 75 pounds (34 kg) after joining OA. “Nothing could keep me from coming back.”

Speed Dating for Sponsors

What happens when you apply a “speed dating” format to match up OA sponsors with sponsees? Only good things, as Christine from New Zealand describes from her experience at an OA retreat.