Totally Committed

Mary Ann weighed 236 pounds (107 kg) and was facing a fatal liver condition. That was her wake up call. She came to OA, threw herself into the program, lost 106 pounds (48 kg), and has found spiritual, physical, and emotional recovery.

Take Action — Reach for a Tool

I’ll never forget my last close call with bingeing. I had just left the doctor’s office after a check-up in early May 2006. It was my first time meeting this doctor. I was 35 pounds (16 kg) overweight and two weeks back into program. She was professional and told me I needed to lose weight … Continued

Interview with Isa, a Food Addict

Isa experienced food addiction and body image issues from early childhood. “I would have done anything to be thin,” she says. After topping 242 pounds (110 kg), she joined OA and knew right away she was in the right place.

Breaking Out of Relapse

Have you relapsed into compulsive eating or compulsive food behaviors? This video can help you understand how you got here. It will point you toward the next right thing you can do to get back to recovery.