Humility has been a challenge for me. In the past, I think my focus was on feeling humble; I would try ways to make myself feel humble. I would change my facial expression, body language, and words to control myself into feeling humble. Maybe I was trying to control others, so that they would see me as humble.

I’ve had new insight when reading Step Seven: Humility is not a feeling at all! It is an action. This is a program of action. To ask is a concrete action demonstrating humility.

To ask is to admit that I need help and that I can’t do it alone.

To be truly open to the answer, whether it is yes, no, or maybe, is to trust and have faith. To receive a “yes” to my asking and fully appreciate it is a gift of gratitude. To receive a “no” and receive it without anger is a gift of acceptance. To receive a “maybe” to my asking and to be able to wait is a gift of patience. To ask is to admit that I need help and that I can’t do it alone.

To ask is to be vulnerable because I bare my soul and express what I need. To ask puts me in relationship with God and my fellows.

This is a spiritual program and a “we” program. Together we can do what we could never do alone.

— Maureen T., Canada