A Tale of Two Relapses and the One Thing That Made a Difference
Edward from Kentucky shares an important lesson he learned about recovering from relapse. Spoiler alert: the lesson is to keep coming back!
Edward from Kentucky shares an important lesson he learned about recovering from relapse. Spoiler alert: the lesson is to keep coming back!
“I felt so terrible about myself, but I kept coming back to OA,” says Jo H. from California USA. “There was someting inside me that told me “No matter what, go to meetings, be of service, and ask God for guidance, whether abstinent or not.”
“Gone are the binges followed by total despair for days,” writes Julian, who left OA after he felt he wasn’t making progress only to later realized just how much he needed our program.
“Many of us come to OA feeling like this is the ‘last house on the block,’” Andrea writes. ”Thank God we find acceptance and understanding in OA.” Read about Andrea’s journey through food obsession, recovery, relapse, and finding serenity in our program.
Have you relapsed into compulsive eating or compulsive food behaviors? This video can help you understand how you got here. It will point you toward the next right thing you can do to get back to recovery.