Many Forms

“As an atheist with a spiritual life, I’ve learned to embrace acceptance and the diverse spiritual paths within Overeaters Anonymous, choosing practices from various traditions that help me live in harmony without imposing one ‘right’ way to believe.”

I’m Not God

“The speaker’s words, ‘I lost a whole person,’ struck me deeply, pushing me to finally confront my own struggles with food and find a path to lasting recovery through OA.”

Spirituality Defined

“Spirituality, for me, is found in the transcendent connections with others—a sacred fellowship that nurtures, fulfills, and transforms, as beautifully experienced within OA meetings.”

An Atheist in OA

In “An Atheist in OA,” the author shares their experience of finding spiritual recovery within Overeaters Anonymous without belief in a supernatural God, advocating for inclusivity and understanding toward those with differing spiritual views.