My Sponsors’ Suggestions Have Led Me to Recovery

“Without a sponsor,” says one OA member, “I would be unable to continue to recover.” But this OA member’s journey has meant working with many sponsors, and she has learned something from each one along the way.

It Is So Freeing to Be Out of the Food and Into My Day

A healthy check-in from Rosanne’s sponsee leads Rosanne to reflect on what it was like for her before she found OA. “I wanted to be thin but not give up the food. . . . OA encouraged me with more than just food issues—I no longer felt alone.”

My Higher Power Writes Back

After ten years in OA, Diane found a Power greater than herself, and eventually started writing letters to her HP. To her amazement, her Higher Power started writing back. “It was slow and thoughtful and always—I mean ALWAYS— exactly what I needed to hear.”

Just Go

“The best part of Convention was sitting and talking to OA members from all over the world,” says Bob, who has attended five World Service Conventions. “I laughed the most at a workshop in Cleveland on LGBTQ+ issues. The leader was hilarious, and the sharing was hard hitting.”

Struggles and Strength: Giving Service at Intergroup

“Most of us are used to the Fellowship as the place where we are listened to unconditionally, supported, and loved,” says Samantha. “Then we come to intergroup, and suddenly we are met with competing needs, desires, and ideas.” Sam reports the lessons she has learned from working with others in her intergroup.

No One Wants to Admit They Are Powerless Over Food

Maddie has been abstinent in OA for one week. “It’s terrible to admit . . . a destructive obsession with food,” she says. “But until we are ready to admit defeat, our abstinence will be on shaky ground.”

Sharing My Solution: The Golden Gift of a Daily Routine

“In our area, we are struggling to attract and retain new members,” says Heather from New Zealand. “I have been mentored over the years . . . to share the solution. This writing is the service I can do today.” Read how Heather works her program daily.

Scientific Approach

After struggling with weight and atheism, Frank H. found a Higher Power within himself, transforming his approach to recovery through Overeaters Anonymous.

Truly Empowering

“So many people set powerful examples that I want to emulate,” says OA member Rhonda after experiencing her first OA Convention. “I am very grateful for the organizers of this World Service Convention and all it offered everyone”

A Celebration of Freedom

Barbara recounts the two World Service Conventions she attended, and says, “Conventions are a great place to strengthen recovery, find a sponsor, make new friends, nurture existing OA relationships, and allow ourselves to have some fun.”