A Holiday Season of Blessings Instead of Binge Eating
Thanks to recovery in OA, Jacki from Connecticut will spend the holidays in a state of abstinence and abundance. “In recovery, I no longer seek my thrills from the holiday goodies,” she says.
Thanks to recovery in OA, Jacki from Connecticut will spend the holidays in a state of abstinence and abundance. “In recovery, I no longer seek my thrills from the holiday goodies,” she says.
“For me, Convention was a badly needed ‘shot in the arm,’“ says one OA member from Alaska who traveed to Boston for the 2016 World Servcie Convention. “It’s the most amazing feeling to say ‘I put my hand in yours . . .’ and be standing in a circle of over a thousand people.”
“My heart was so full,” says Anonymous after attending a World Service Convention, ”that I wanted to share that weekend’s experience, strength, and hope with anyone who would listen. . . . It actually helped change my life.”
“Dear Mara:” the letter reads, “We are so glad you have chosen Higher Power Company as your new source of love, support, and guidance!” Written for the OA member who is taking Steps Two and Three, this might be the best corporate form letter you’ll ever receive!
“I work with therapists, dietitians, OA sponsors, and medical doctors to manage my mental illness, and I work on healthy eating and achieving a healthy body weight,” says Vicki. “Many food miracles miracles keep occuring, as I continue to work this program.”
“I felt so terrible about myself, but I kept coming back to OA,” says Jo H. from California USA. “There was someting inside me that told me “No matter what, go to meetings, be of service, and ask God for guidance, whether abstinent or not.”
“My world was very small,” says Bonita, “but as I got involved with service in the program, I heard that OA was worldwide. The World Service Convention has been a great part of my world expanding.”
Enjoy this rhyming tour of our OA program courtesy of Linda M. in South Carolina USA.
Feeling grumpy due to a bout with Covid, H.E. from New Zealand knows the best thing to do is to use OA’s Tools of Recovery to find acceptance. “I know the only way out of this space is to get out of my own head and take action.”
“There’s just something special about being at Convention,” says Hanna. “It’s seeing the people that gets me most excited . . . There’s never an awkward moment, and it never feels stressful the way it can be when seeing family members or non-program friends after a few years.”