About Face: I Turned to Program to Deal with a Challenging OA Member

I must . . . practice acceptance, no matter how uncomfortable that may feel. I am currently having difficulty practicing “principles before personalities” (Tradition Twelve). We have a challenging OA member at one of my meetings. Her attendance is erratic, but when she is there, the meeting immediately takes on an “uptight and on-alert” vibe, … Continued

Acceptance is the Answer, Always

Feeling grumpy due to a bout with Covid, H.E. from New Zealand knows the best thing to do is to use OA’s Tools of Recovery to find acceptance. “I know the only way out of this space is to get out of my own head and take action.”

I’ve Tried Dieting. I Definitely Belong in OA.

How many times have I thought “I don’t belong in OA.” Yet I’ve been coming back for more than six years and I’m so glad I’ve stayed, writes Elaine. “I am so much happier now.”

To Ask

”In the past, I would try to make myself feel humble,” says Maureen. “I would change my facial expression. I’ve had a new insight when reading Step Seven: humility is an action!