My Higher Power Writes Back

After ten years in OA, Diane found a Power greater than herself, and eventually started writing letters to her HP. To her amazement, her Higher Power started writing back. “It was slow and thoughtful and always—I mean ALWAYS— exactly what I needed to hear.”

Step Eleven: “The Importance of Working All Twelve Steps” Podcast Series

Linda, grateful compulsive overeater, and Beverly, compulsive overeater, host this workshop on Step Eleven: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” Examples of prayer and meditation are discussed.

Spiritual Rewrite

“I was complaining to my sponsor about the religious language of the Eleventh Step Prayer,” says one OA member. “She suggested I rewrite it in language that is meaningful to me.” Read the rewrite in this story.

Sacred and Amazing Gift

Step Eleven is how we communicate with our higher power and how we receive wisdom. In a meditation phone meeting, Katherine’s meditation delivers a poignant message that it’s time to care of the body that has taken care of her in her compulsion.

Life is Great

“I’ve learned that my serenity and peace of mind are based on how much I surrender,” says Joel, who turns to Step Eleven when emotional storms roll in.