Today I celebrate a victory that I could never have done alone. I’d tried millionsliterally millions of times—to have a sane and healthy relationship with food and failed miserably each time. But today marks nine months of the elimination of my compulsive overeating. Nine months ago today, at my very first OA meeting, I met amazing, strong, very helpful people who admitted that they too were suffering from the disease of compulsive overeating.

Nine months ago, I met amazing, strong, very helpful people who admitted that they too were suffering from the disease of compulsive overeating.

Working the OA program has been the best thing by far that I have done for myself, and I am currently working on Step Six with the help of my amazing sponsor. I have abstained from white flour and sugar, one day at a time, for nine months, and I have physical recovery: I’ve weighed 123 pounds (56 kg) for the past four months! At one point, I was up to 150 pounds (68 kg), so I have released almost 30 pounds (14 kg).

In these same nine months, my self-worth has increased tons. Emotionally, I have become more honest and willing to heal, and I so love and appreciate this. I am saner and healthier than I have been in a very long time, and it feels amazing to think clearly. Spiritually, I have grown leaps and bounds. I am so very blessed.

Thank you, God, for the creation of all Twelve Step programs and your gift of the sacred Twelve Steps of recovery. I, along with millions of others, have found a way of life that is more indescribably beautiful than any words can say. And I give all my thanks to the “Recovery Angels” in my tribe, today and every day.

I love my life. Thank you for this day, Spirit. Thank you for this day.

Trish G., Alberta, Canada