About Face: I Turned to Program to Deal with a Challenging OA Member

I must . . . practice acceptance, no matter how uncomfortable that may feel. I am currently having difficulty practicing “principles before personalities” (Tradition Twelve). We have a challenging OA member at one of my meetings. Her attendance is erratic, but when she is there, the meeting immediately takes on an “uptight and on-alert” vibe, … Continued

I Am One of Many: Food Is the Connection, but It Is Not the Answer

Deborah has endured jail, marital separation, and cancer, but today she shines with recovery. “I am now claiming six years of abstinence,” she says. “Y’all have taught me life is fun, but my meals can’t be fun. . . . It’s worth all the daily discipline for freedom from food obsession.”

Willing to Dig Deeper

“I’m excited to say that I’m the winner now for sure because I can choose how to respond to my disease, and I do that willingly now. I choose what I will eat, when, where, why, and how, and I make those decisions with a clear mind, not one that’s in a perpetual sugar fog,” says Jean from Ontario. Sounds so amazing! How did she do it?

Higher Power Company

“Dear Mara:” the letter reads, “We are so glad you have chosen Higher Power Company as your new source of love, support, and guidance!” Written for the OA member who is taking Steps Two and Three, this might be the best corporate form letter you’ll ever receive!

My Fourth Step Support Animal

Have you ever asked yourself, “Why is this pet, or this person, in my life right now?” One of the joys of recovery is realizing there’s a reason.

The New Lifeline: A Vision to Share Our Recovery on Lifeline.oa.org

What is the inspiration and vision for our new Lifeline blog? Watch these scripted interviews with the committee that helped bring this project to life! Learn the many ways you can contribute and carry the message to everyone who is searching online for a solution.

My Steps to Sanity with Food

Taking an anniversary cruise while carrying 300 pounds (136 kg) of body weight left Elizabeth feeling despondent and suicidal. When she joined OA, her weight loss journey began. But her greatest progress so far has been working the Steps to covering and recover from the dysfunctions that have been driving her compulsive overeating.