Goodies in the Break Room? I Made a Call for Help

When our job is stressful (or even when it isn’t), an announcement of snacks in the break room can create a moment of weakness. When it happened to Linda, she reached for two Tools, literature and the telephone, to keep her abstinence.

My Higher Power Wrote Back

Ten years into her program, Diane from Washington, D.C. USA found a Power greater than herself. When she started writing her Higher Power, she found the response was “exactly what I needed to hear.”

My Sponsors’ Suggestions Have Led Me to Recovery

“Without a sponsor,” says one OA member, “I would be unable to continue to recover.” But this OA member’s journey has meant working with many sponsors, and she has learned something from each one along the way.

My Higher Power Writes Back

After ten years in OA, Diane found a Power greater than herself, and eventually started writing letters to her HP. To her amazement, her Higher Power started writing back. “It was slow and thoughtful and always—I mean ALWAYS— exactly what I needed to hear.”

Struggles and Strength: Giving Service at Intergroup

“Most of us are used to the Fellowship as the place where we are listened to unconditionally, supported, and loved,” says Samantha. “Then we come to intergroup, and suddenly we are met with competing needs, desires, and ideas.” Sam reports the lessons she has learned from working with others in her intergroup.

Sharing My Solution: The Golden Gift of a Daily Routine

“In our area, we are struggling to attract and retain new members,” says Heather from New Zealand. “I have been mentored over the years . . . to share the solution. This writing is the service I can do today.” Read how Heather works her program daily.

Acceptance is the Answer, Always

Feeling grumpy due to a bout with Covid, H.E. from New Zealand knows the best thing to do is to use OA’s Tools of Recovery to find acceptance. “I know the only way out of this space is to get out of my own head and take action.”