Unity Day is a day set aside to affirm the strength inherent in OA’s unity. Unity Day is celebrated in February on the last Saturday of the month in even years and the last Sunday in odd years. It is observed by OA groups worldwide at 11:30 a.m. local time.

Overeaters Anonymous welcomes all who want to stop eating compulsively. Whatever problem you have with food, you are welcome in OA.

For Discussion and Journaling:

  • How can I be more open-minded and nonjudgmental about all OA members, whatever their individual traits?
  • How can I become more open-minded and nonjudgmental about the way others work their program?
  • How am I practicing love and tolerance of others?
  • How might I contribute to the unity and diversity of OA as a whole?
  • Do I believe the OA program is broad enough to accommodate me and my path to recovery?

OA-approved literature cited in this podcast: