Skye’s No-Limit

When Anonymous asked God to help curb her impulse purchases, a homeless woman named Skye showed up and provided an opportunity to shop charitably and make a living amend

Imagine If

We can better appreciate Tradition Nine by imagining if OA was organized by VIPs and from the top down.

Mopping Up Mistakes

Dorothy cheated her employers to the tune of thousands of dollars, and she was hopeless to pay back such a large sum. But her sponsor encouraged her, she became willing, and Higher Power responded in kind.

Who’s In Charge? All of Us

“We are all in charge of our own side of the street and our own programs,” says one OA member, who remarks how gratifying it is that service body decisions are all based on following our primary purpose: to carry the message of recovery.

Tradition Ten: “Take a Walk Down the Traditions“ Video Series

A short explanation of OA’s Tenth Tradition: “Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”: “Overeaters Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the OA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”