A Tale of Two Relapses and the One Thing That Made a Difference
Edward from Kentucky shares an important lesson he learned about recovering from relapse. Spoiler alert: the lesson is to keep coming back!
Edward from Kentucky shares an important lesson he learned about recovering from relapse. Spoiler alert: the lesson is to keep coming back!
“I felt so terrible about myself, but I kept coming back to OA,” says Jo H. from California USA. “There was someting inside me that told me “No matter what, go to meetings, be of service, and ask God for guidance, whether abstinent or not.”
How many times have I thought “I don’t belong in OA.” Yet I’ve been coming back for more than six years and I’m so glad I’ve stayed, writes Elaine. “I am so much happier now.”
Linda, a compulsive eater, and Karen, abstinent compulsive eater and food addict, host this workshop on Step Ten: “Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.”
Tina, recovering compulsive overeater, and Ronnie, a compulsive overeater, host this workshop on OA’s First Step: “We admitted we were powerless over food; that our lives had become unmanageable.”