Reflections: A Visit with OA’s Founder

Recorded in 1999 on the occasion of OA’s 40th anniversary, OA’s founder Rozanne S. shares her recollections of OA’s simple beginnings and giant strides. Listen and learn about the history of OA’s Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, world service, and early group conscience.

Interview with Dodie: Compulsive Eater

Before OA, food ruled Dodie’s every waking moment, even from a very early age. In college, Dodie weighed 215 pounds (97.5 kg) and felt trapped in ugliness. When she realized she had a problem with food, she found OA, and now maintains a 85-pound (38.5-kg) weight loss.

Interview with Bob: Overeater and Overexerciser

Bob was already in shape and at a healthy weight but learned in OA that his exercise habits masked a food addiction. He describes how OA gave him a safe place to find recovery and build a productive life.

Interview with Beth: Perfectionism, Isolation, and Compulsive Eating

Beth learned about OA after she noticed a coworker losing weight and becoming noticeably happier. When she realized that she was out of control, she asked if she could join her coworker at a meeting. At the meeting, she was relieved to hear that OA is not a diet program and that the other OA members had problems with food that were similar to her own.

Digging Differently

“By admitting my powerlessness over food and my life in Step One and by continuing to come back for twenty-nine years, I have maintained an 80-pound (36-kg) weight loss,” says Kristin, who previously had done many years of “research” into dieting.

Life is Great

“I’ve learned that my serenity and peace of mind are based on how much I surrender,” says Joel, who turns to Step Eleven when emotional storms roll in.

Skye’s No-Limit

When Anonymous asked God to help curb her impulse purchases, a homeless woman named Skye showed up and provided an opportunity to shop charitably and make a living amend

Who’s In Charge? All of Us

“We are all in charge of our own side of the street and our own programs,” says one OA member, who remarks how gratifying it is that service body decisions are all based on following our primary purpose: to carry the message of recovery.